Explore Sacred Cacao Medicine

to Decolonize Chocolate

Beautifully prepared guidance on how to hold a cacao ceremony and how to ethically source ceremonial grade cacao.

The medicine of Cacao taken in a meditative personal or community journey will shift how you view the Mayan origin of chocolate and your relationship with chocolate.

Learn how to source, prepare, and work with the heart-opening and perspective-shifting medicinal quality of theobromine — the core medicine in 100% Cacao — while honoring the resilience of the indigenous Mayans that grow this medicine.

Decolonizing Chocolate

Guidebook, 17 pages (PDF) $25

10% of all proceeds go to

Int'l Mayan League

to the Indigenous Solidarity Fund which supports emergency funds for Guatemalans actively being thrown off their land.

The Medicine of Cacao

Ixcacao, the Cacao Goddess walks alongside, holding hands with us during our hardest times.

Chocolate addiction holds a rough status, especially for women. In western culture, it’s often used to cover difficult moments like PMS, feelings of loneliness or despair, or as “gifts” for the exchange of sex or matriarchal positions.

It’s bound up with sugar, which acts like a mask to cover the true medicine of cacao, the bean that chocolate is made from.

There is a deeper purpose for cacao when we shift our relationship to it.

In ceremony, we can connect with cacao in its strong medicinal state.

Cacao medicine creates a focused awareness and Flow.

Pure fermented cacao nibs are comprised of theobromine and cacao butter that act as carriers for theobromine (Theobroma literally means food of the gods) to reach our neural network and open our blood vessels and vascular system.

This opening creates receptivity to our current state for greater awareness of what’s trying to emerge.

When we resist what’s trying to emerge, it creates stress on our body, and that in turn sends dis-ease signals to our genes (epigenetics).

When we are open to what’s emerging, the Cacao can be a powerful medicine to reset our DNA and RNA. Studies confirm cacao’s healing functions reduce tumors and other neurodegenerative diseases.

Of course, combining cacao with sugar into chocolate doesn’t do this with the same effect. Sugar is a known stimulator of disease because it can create inflammation in the body. “Chocolate addiction” isn’t really an addiction to cacao (studies prove isn’t an addictive substance). It’s an addiction to sugar.

The natural state of the cacao bean allows for a unique synthesis of medicine that opens the neural pathways (yes, cacao is mildly psychoactive) thereby opening our door of perception — our third eye and pineal gland.

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✨ Decolonial Cosmologist ✨


• I was the first Latine Vice-Mayor of my city, I learned to become comfortable being a first and only in the room, taking the opportunity to hold the door for more BIPOC leaders to enter.

• With decades of tech experience as a web deva and political activist and organizer, I co-founded the Tech and Telecomm Committee for my city.

• Between 2009-2013 I was appointed to serve on two San Francisco Bay Area government boards where I enacted progressive social and environmental policy for approximately 11 million people, including shifting stigma to sway my colleagues on the Board of Directors to fund the suicide net for the Golden Gate Bridge.

• In 2011-12, I even ran for congress.

I come to our work together from the intersection of on-the-ground organizing and political work; from deep training in ancestral spiritual practices and plant medicine; and from 35+ years of consciousness exploration. For nearly 3 decades I’ve committed myself to social justice work, organizing for communities of culture and serving in local politics.

...and I know what’s possible when we give ourselves Time and Space for Rest

Here’s what all of this means for you:

I have developed a keen sense of centering justice, emergence, decolonizing, interconnectedness. I view the world, our bodies and our Work as emergent as we create new, just ways of thriving. I can help you dance with the cycles and flow in your life, helping you deepen your leadership capacities from this space of integration and interconnectedness.

"I want to get into flow more easily and use my time differently. I want to finish my book! That’s why I asked Ixchel to coach me. Her work with me has literally been time magic. So much of what she asks me to put in place in my life, I would NEVER have thought to do on my own — and it’s genuinely working. I’m reconnected to my book and I AM WRITING without burning myself out."

Kelly Diels,

Feminist Marketing Consultant